A partial archive of VILTE as of Thursday April 13, 2023.

Part 2: Peer filming in the secondary EFL classroom in France · ViLTE


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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://vilte.warwick.ac.uk/items/show/17

I think the peer filming can be a solution in low resource setting where it is too hard for University tutors to go to observe their teacher students. So, students can collaboratively work and send the videos to their tutors for post-observation meeting. Besides, it is easy for the students to write their reflective papers because they can see all the details.


This approach is very impressive. To begin with, novice teachers are expected to use TBLT method in teaching and according one certain pedagogical topic to film their teaching individually. After recoding ,each of them can check their own or other’s video to improve and reflect on the teaching. This process can well avoid interference from direct peer observation in the class and make novice teacher better reflect and improve through collaboration.


I agree with Laurent, but peer filming method can also be adapted to the regions like China. as teachers can be filmed to improve their teaching strategies, or maybe we can learn from each other through the exchanges of the opinions on the videoes.


The idea of peer filming and reflection on videos is really very useful. It enhances professional learning and improves critical thinking skills. We have been using the same methodology during microteachings at the university as well as in some practicum courses at secondary shools in Turkey for several years. I think video-stimulated recall also helps in making informed decisions next time in teaching, through awareness of course. And such videos are very useful tools for mentor’s feedback, too.