A partial archive of VILTE as of Thursday April 13, 2023.

Video enhanced observation · ViLTE


Video enhanced observation

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://vilte.warwick.ac.uk/items/show/2

Hi Olcay - this is a really useful overview of the process of tagging - gives a step by step approach. Thanks


VEO is a very useful tool. I use it in my teaching. It helps me to know how much my lessons are student-centered and or teacher-centered.


Thank you for the interesting video on VEO. This is the first time I’ve heard of it and I think that it is a useful and handy tool for both teacher educators and/or teacher trainees to use. They can record their own teaching, watch it again and reflect on it for future improvements.


I had the chance to join some VEO workshops Olcay led in Turkey. This video is a quick guide on how you go through the process of tagging. It is good that you can retrive the tagged segments of the videos easily later - very helpful during post-observation conferences and feedback sessions.


Hi Olcay, a nicely explained video on VEO. I haven’t come across this tool, so it was useful to learn about it and how VEO fits in with the IMDAT framework.