A partial archive of VILTE as of Thursday April 13, 2023.

Welcome to ViLTE


This project will map the use of video in language teacher education and showcase examples of good practice on a publicly available website. The project will feature a range of teacher training contexts (adults only), from initial short pre-service teaching courses to longer teacher education programmes (e.g. MA level). Specifically, it aims to review and detail digital video use in the field of language teacher education, while also reviewing use in other fields of education (e.g. maths teaching, health care). The project also aims to build a community of practice (through collection of case studies and vignettes) to share innovative and effective video and visual media use in language teacher education.
The first paragraph of this pinned topic will be visible as a welcome message to all new visitors on your homepage. It’s important!

Edit this into a brief description of your community:

  • Who is it for?
  • What can they find here?
  • Why should they come here?
  • Where can they read more (links, resources, etc)?

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